Wogrammer Feature - Discussing my path to nuclear engineering and why I don't like to be called a genius


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I recently had a great conversation with Shreya Changanti, Journalism Fellow at Wogrammer, about my technical experiences in physics and nuclear engineering. Wogrammer has a refreshing mission of shifting the public conversation about women in technology from gendered experience to one about personal accomplishments. By publishing stories that focus not on “what’s it’s like to be a woman in tech”, but rather on the details of women’s work and advancements in coding, diagnostics, and software engineering, they aim to elevate the understanding of women’s contributions in the industry. 

Wogrammer has interviewed over 200 women across STEM fields, including my dear friend Dr. Joy Johnson. Cofounded by two badass women at Facebook, Erin Summers and Zainab Ghadiyali, they have established a Wogrammer Journalism Fellowship to help storytellers bring these STEM experiences to life, and have been featured in VICE, the National Society of professional Engineers, and the Huffington Post. Learn more about their initiative here.